Domestic Voilence
Domestic Voilence
Let’s first understand the phrase “domestic violence.” Let’s consider them as two separate words. “Domestic” means “within the household territory” and “violence” means “using physical force to hurt and to cause damage”. Therefore, as a phrase “domestic violence” is a “pattern of coercive and assaultive behaviours that include physical, sexual, verbal, and psychological attacks and economic coercion that adults or adolescents use against their intimate partner”.
It is crucial to understand that domestic violence is not only between people who are spouses or partners and it can include several relationships that a person is bound by within a family. For example in India, the legal aspect has given it a wider interpretation and it includes sisters, widows, mothers, single women or any lady living in the same household. Thus, domestic violence includes intimate partners as well as family members. There are many forms in which domestic violence can be exercised such as controlling economic, sexual, psychological, stalking, social, physical abuse or threatening. Section 3 of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 mentions that any act or omission done by the respondent which harms, injures, threatens or abuse physically, sexually, verbally or economically will commit an act of Domestic Violence.
K.S Sawhney